Monday, November 30, 2009

An appeal!

This is an appeal to all the students of NIT Jamshedpur. The efforts to organize OJASS '10 have begun in earnest, and all intentions are to make this year's fest bigger,better and smoother than any of it's previous editions.
Even though we have received very good responses for participation in the various committees, I would like to bring to notice certain acts of vandalism that have been seen throughout the campus. The leaflets of OJASS '10 have been defaced with individuals making explicit diagrams and/or changing certain words so that they now read like abuses.
It is my sincere appeal to these individuals to discontinue these actions as it does not reflect the correct spirit that an NIT or its annual techno-management fest should portray, and nor does it have any positive outcome whatsoever. A lot of effort is being made from all quarters to ensure that we have a better tech-fest than ever. Please do not disrespect the efforts of others to get cheap thrills.
I understand that our college hasn't exactly provided us with the best infrastructure in terms of academics, sports or extra-curricular activities, but it is my strong belief that whatever this college is a result of the abilities and spirit of the students. We are no lesser than any student from any other colleges and that has been proven time and again at fests in various colleges.
My appeal therefore is this. If you aren't in compliance with what is happening for organizing OJASS '10, please find other ways to express your displeasure. All the committee members are available for suggestions and so forth. Us students need to be in the right spirit for this. "Our Fest, Our College, Our Life".

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Indians: Our Pride and Prejudice

It's a year to the great tragedy that struck our nation. 26/11 should be remembered forever by India, primarily as a day of heinous attack and mindless "retribution". Besides the tragedy however, the day is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. A year on from the tragedy, we wear white to show our solidarity for the victims of the attacks. But that is us, what about the victims of the attacks?
The stories have been picked up where they were left off. The examples are abundant, from the manager of the Taj Hotel to the guard at the Cama Hospital, they have all picked up the pieces of their lives and continued with the same dignity and strength of character that they showed on that shameful day. Indians hold your head high for we have such persons amongst our number. Persons who have not let their selfishness or desire for self preservation come in the way for duty towards their country. To you brave Sirs and Ladies, I bow forever.
However, I would also like to draw attention to something else today. When there are countless examples of citizens who personify "India Shining", there are a few who are apparently not entirely happy with the concept of India at all.
Enter Mr. Raj Thackeray, the founder of the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena. A year ago he led a charge that North Indians were usurping the rightful jobs of Maharashtrians as they work in Maharashtra. The public vitriol that was spewed was on display in print. television and the internet. Incidents of not just political manipulation but also physical misbehaviour with North Indians led to a large uproar throughout the nation but the common man is sometimes helpless against such atrocities. After the attacks however his attack on North Indians stopped. Thankfully the people who have made their homes in Mumbai did not desert their fellow human beings just because they were born in another state, something Mr. Thackeray would want us do.
A year later and yet another Thackeray to the fore. This time it's the original Thackeray. Even though his name means child, Mr. Bal Thackeray has never had any agendas that would come even close to the meaning of his name. The target of his most recent attacks, Mr. Sachin Tendulkar. What can one say about Sachin, global sports icon, ambassador, demi-god? Yet a simple statement by the Little Master about him being an Indian before a Maharashtrian was misconstrued and used as political leverage by the Shiv Sena chief. What can you say about a man whose party newspaper is called "Saamna"(face-off). One of my dearest friends asked me whether i hated him. She said that since I loved Sachin I should hate Mr. Thackeray on principle for tarnishing Sachin's name. Well, I told her i don't hate him, that it is impossible for Sachin to be treated with anything other than reverence in India.
Cut to the chase, look at what we have. The same country, state and city, yet such differences. I would like to say something. Bal Thackeray wouldn't be who he is if he didn't have the support of the public at some point of time or another, and it is by twisting this support does he get publicity for such shameful accusations. People in India, in the middle class, are struggling to break the shackles of money for good, they work hard at probably unsatisfying jobs just to earn that rupee. If a figurehead( read Mr. Thackeray) comes along who incites them to their ancestral rights or some such, then it is highly likely that those misguided souls might follow in the footsteps of their messiah. And Mr. Thackeray knows that, so he utilizes it. It is shameful, but it is the truth.
I am confident that the spirit shown by Indians on 26/11 can drown out the voices of such power crazed maniacs. If there is a way forward, then they must fall to the wayside

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Mind is infinite.. Mindset however isn't

I would like to challenge my own mindset with regards to certain issues. My previous post had a section about the "Greater Good". Now if anyone were to ask me if there is anything called the "Greater Good" I would have said NO. But since i am trying to challenge my mindset here I shall look upon the question again. Is there a thing such as the "Greater Good"?
Through the course of time luminaries have been facing this obstacle.. the "Greater Good". Would they have been lesser men, they would have turned back, afraid to tread the path that lay before them. Genghis Khan united all of China and Mongolia, albeit via a bloody campaign, to transform them from a squabbling, poor bunch of tribes to a mighty and wealthy juggernaut that steam-rolled everything in it's path. Now this might not be a suitable example for many as it involves violence but that's how the world was back then. Diplomacy was a mere bystander then, not the potent tool it is today. Definitely the "Greater Good" for many hundreds of families.
What better example for a boy from Jamshedpur than the Tatas. They have been accused of unlawfully acquiring the land from the tribals of this region to set up their factories. Well, now the Tatas are a vast conglomerate, feeding clothing and sheltering so many thousands. "Greater Good"? Most definitely.
The late Dhirubhai Ambani had been accused of false means to generate capital for his ventures. It works out to the same thing. That falsity has resulted in jobs for thousands of people who consider the Ambanis to be akin to their gods.
A rather bizarre example now, although possibly the most relevant. Everybody has heard about Viagra, the wonder drug for the middle aged man. It has no health benefits save boosting the flaccid egos of men who need it. So what is the need to make Viagra then? Absolutely none, one might say. But the truth is that the money made by selling Viagra (and that is quite a bit) is used for funding typhoid, cancer, tuberculosis and malaria research. The genius of this plan requires genius to fathom and I most certainly did not possess it. The target audience for Viagra are middle- aged Caucasian males. These people would never suffer from typhoid.. they live in clean surroundings.. they drink boiled water. So why would they give their hard-earned money for medical research that is used to cure a disease that wont afflict them. Typhoid, malaria and tuberculosis are among the top 5 killers in Africa. But they do not have the money to eat, let alone sponsor medical research. So sell Viagra, collect the money and pump it into research. "Greater Good". You still don't think so?
The examples are numerous, but the necessary vision to see is limited. The "Greater Good" is all around us, we just haven't seen it yet.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Curiosity killed the cat... Is man next??

During the entire lifetime of mankind, man has always had great curiosity regarding the world around him. This very curiosity has driven us to find new lands and settle in them, to find out why waterfalls go downward and birds fly.
Not content with only the outer world, we have delved into the inner realm of ourselves. Inside the human body we encountered our brain, that veritable minefield of potential, of Nobel Prizes and atomic bombs, of beautiful music and brutal slaughter. Our entry to the human mind has paralleled our foray into the destruction of mankind.
While one group of scientists have been trying to delve into the human brain, another group of minds were joined together to find the secrets of nuclear fission and fusion. Alas, the very thing that could turn Our World into a happier and more content place as ripped it apart.
We are standing on the brink of destruction. The very things that were heralded as earth-shattering in their influence can now literally shatter the earth. The simple art of blacksmiths has evolved into Titanium- Steel alloy. The brilliant fireworks for the Emperor of China have evolved into Inter- Continental Ballistic Missiles. Any and everything twisted by a few waylaid minds "For the greater good of Mankind".
Countries and men choosing the right to govern others! This works out fine but unfortunately our ethical advancement also gets twisted like our technological advancement. The need to govern turns into the license to kill and behold, we have the world as we know it. Running on the whims of a chosen few, who's to know that our elected messiahs have not gone mad with power themselves. God himself would have trouble living in our world. Note that Krishna or Jesus have not appeared among us for quite some time. Or perhaps even if They have, They have gone by us unnoticed, no different from the rest of us, struggling to find our voices and purpose, drowning in the sea of humanity.

Monday, November 16, 2009

You stand still my friend.. Yet the world spins around you!

A quick look around you will have you agreeing with me on what I am about to write. The only factor that doesn't change around us is change!! Change has never been wholly necessary.. but if you think what the most saleable item in all of human history is... it's change. Scan the history of the world.. people change.. leaders change.. philosophies change.. places of staying change.. modes of travel change.. even Gods change. The decadence here is that change now has been reduced to a mere marketing tool by manufacturing moguls to service their own selfish needs. The most important of issues, those which should forcefully be changed are kept constant. World terrorism, hunger, disease.. leave these aside and think a bit more personally.. the need to excel, to distinguish oneself has been replaced by the need to be part of a crowd.. to belong.. normalcy say some, mediocrity say I. Nobody wants to stand on the shoulders of men anymore, although now it seems we have an over-abundance of shoulders.
Change begets change. Change in one field necessitates changes in other fields. Now since my life revolves quite a bit around music.. my example shall pertain to music. Change in musical tastes result in a change of clothing.. Metal had body hugging pants and long flowing shirts and longer hairdos.. Grunge had torn jeans and t-shirts, Hip- hop has baggy pants and just about everything else. Turning on the television now to view any contemporary program is almost like visiting a circus.. Baggy shirts and trousers.. I thought that was what clowns wore.. an everyday circus indeed.
The necessity for such massive changes stems from the one defining factor of today's youth.. "The Wannabe".. Packaged by the cutting edge machination of present-day realism, the wannabe is a species completely overlooked by Darwin's theory of evolution. We really are turning time around.. All of us wanna look the same.. speak the same language.. and no it is no longer English( "Wassup bro!" hardly being the fare for Oxford or Collins).. I think that we are ready to make the next giant leap for mankind and return to being monkeys.. Now that's change.