Sunday, March 27, 2011

The journey so far 2!!

Hi all,
Hope everyone is doing good. There are a few quick things that I shall address in this post even though I am in a mood to ramble a whole lot.

Before I start, as you might have noticed, "The Land of the Rising Sun" is on the top left corner of the page, you can play it while you read, and download it from here for free as well. No need to go the main site whatsoever. :)

Read on.

Firstly, thank you guys so much for all the support. My first single was released earlier in the week and it has done much better than I expected thanks to all of you. The song was actually written and recorded and finished at a breakneck pace of 4 days!! The main motivation behind the song was simple, the tsunami in Japan has caused a lot of damage and everybody is trying to contribute in some way or the other to help the cause. Now since I don't have any money to donate as I am still struggling to find my feet in the music industry, I did the thing that I am supposed to be doing in life.

I wrote a song for the victims of the tragedy. Now the thing is that there is a group of benevolent people who are compiling a number of songs and intending to sell it as a CD. The funds collected from these sales shall be donated for the cause. So I have put in "The Land of the Rising Sun" for consideration. My fingers are crossed, hopefully it gets selected and is put to good use.

Now I have been using a number of social websites to put my music across for the listeners, and I am using facebook as my major helper, and as the medium for listening to and distributing the songs. Now the song is up for free download. All you have to do is copy this here link onto your address bar( I couldn't find out how to hyperlink it :(, Sorry),, and click on the big download button. There will be options like join the mailing list and join the street team. I will quickly explain what that is.

The mailing list is basically a list of contacts that I can contact to inform about future songs, shows etc. through reverbnation itself. Rest assured you shall not get any spam from the site, all mails will be from me.
The street team is for those who want to help me out with small tasks such as publicity and so on. The advantage of being in a street team is that if you are the best guy doing the task (there are stats that show everything to me) then you will be eligible for prizes which I shall give. For example, if you work and get 20 people to join my page, I could give out a free CD to you. :)

You could say that you already have our e-mail ids on gmail and so on, why do you need it here?? Well this is the most important thing for you'll to know. When my songs will be ready and I will be looking for shows, I can do that through reverbnation as well. So when a big venue looks at my profile and sees a lot of people on the mailing list, then immediately that boosts my chances of getting booked by that venue. And then I can actually go and play in the cities where you'll are staying, which is the grand plan anyway.

Very honestly, this is a very very tough business to stay afloat in, and all your help is welcome. Every single download, share and so on goes a long way to ensure that I can live out my dreams. And believe me, the people who help out the most shall not go without my appreciation. I will make sure that you'll receive for all that you have given for me.

As always, looking forward to your support. This journey would be very very short if it weren't for you'll.

God bless all of you.