Monday, May 16, 2011

The wanderer!

Hey all,
This is going to be a little introspective and hopefully short. I am very lucky in that I recognized what I needed to do in life, and I devoted myself to it. It takes a lot of sensitivity I guess to even realize what it is that you like in life. I am a very stubborn person by nature and I just stuck to my guns as far as my decisions for life went. I wanted to pursue music professionally for a long time before I actually took the plunge. I wasn't interested in a college education because I knew it wouldn't help me at all. But on the insistence of my parents I did my engineering from a very decent college, had my job at the end of it all. Only to throw it all away, best throw ever.

The music business isn't an easy business, stress on the word business. But I am not going to talk about that, that is an eternal struggle that is part and parcel of this game. What I am going to talk about is a little different. You realize that from the time we are born. we have a home. But actually, the home changes a lot for a lot of us. Parents move, we move out, hostels, apartments, PGs and what not. But wherever we stay, that is home. How do we classify that as home?? It is because "WE" stay there. The places might change, but our core set of values defines that place, as HOME.

Now I have found something similar in music. So far I have been a journeyman musician of sorts, playing here and there, helping people out with songs and stuff. So no home in music to speak of in terms of a band. Oh, and for those of you who don't know, I have quit _RoCKBAaJ_.

But despite me being a journeyman, I still have a home in music. It is in music itself, when I first got introduced to music, I used to listen to old Bangla and Bollywood songs, the things my parents were into. Then when I was in my teens, I too was swept up by the pop brigade that dominated Mtv, in Backstreet Boys and that entire trip. A little older and I got introduced to The Eagles and Bon Jovi. When I first started playing in band, it was GnR and Iron Maiden. The tastes have changed over the years, and that is my home. So it's like my home has changed over the years, and I feel with every new style of music that I come to appreciate, that there's something more waiting for me out there, that I need to go seek. Which results in me walking on. There will come a time when I shall settle down, and that time seems incredibly close, to one style of music, which I can call my own. A home which shall be mine, and I won't be a mere guest but a part of the family.

Thank you for reading, wherever you are, have a good night.